but even as that thought touched his mind he new that for him
nor any hope of suchand without any stake in the countrythat had bred him only the shadow non of the shadow theat had bread the l
I saw/ a gray slimy thing/like a snail/without its shell/only bigger/ the size of a rat
Friday, December 12, 2014
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
iPad stealer
I would not be writing about this unless I had found my iPad i had just arrived at home and I had my iPad in my backpack. Then the next day my dad asked me to go get my iPad from my moms and so I did and I could not find it I cried and was so sad. A month and a half later it turns up on the side of the house.
Friday, December 5, 2014
it felt like a normal day me and my brother tom where out in our back yard every thing felt still and then I realized every thing was not still every thing was moving very slow. mybrother had a soccer ball in front of his foot.
His footwas moving at a pace of a snailand then I said "tom" no answer "comeon tom"still no answer "TOM!" no answer then all the sudden the world started moving at a normal speed then tom said "what where you saying he" said time "what the hecktom where you playin some sort of prank on me" isay "no i swear"said tom
"who are you whatare you doing in my house " we heard our mom say "MOM" we screamed she yelled back "run" and then saw a splatter of blood on the window "james lets go"i was speach less yet tom draged me into the woods and he found a tree that we could climb I had to follow when we got to the top we saw the man in a black suit along with 5 other men wearing the same exact suit.
"m...." i started to say mom and tom covered my mouth one of the men hada knife and he put it in its sheet and said
" find them shoot on sight
His footwas moving at a pace of a snailand then I said "tom" no answer "comeon tom"still no answer "TOM!" no answer then all the sudden the world started moving at a normal speed then tom said "what where you saying he" said time "what the hecktom where you playin some sort of prank on me" isay "no i swear"said tom
"who are you whatare you doing in my house " we heard our mom say "MOM" we screamed she yelled back "run" and then saw a splatter of blood on the window "james lets go"i was speach less yet tom draged me into the woods and he found a tree that we could climb I had to follow when we got to the top we saw the man in a black suit along with 5 other men wearing the same exact suit.
"m...." i started to say mom and tom covered my mouth one of the men hada knife and he put it in its sheet and said
" find them shoot on sight
Thursday, December 4, 2014
SINGING are you better then my ma take the singing quiz if you pass all these test you are better
my ma is so good at singing that she is better than the angels. My mama is sooooOOo good at singang she is better then arians grande. my mum is so gud at singanG that the only raido station is mu.m . MY moma is SOOooo gid at singan she replaced one of gods angels.
Friday, November 21, 2014
airtime dunk
come on I say to myself I wanted to leap into the air and dunk on the second basket ball hoop at air time. I jump then I hit the trampoline try to dunk but I fall backwards. I got up and persevered. The next time I thought i need I higher jump. So I jumped as high as I could and I hit the tramp and felt weightless . My arm swings around and whhaam the ball goes in.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
tackling owen in the snow
owen comes at me I get scared and then I run back hoping I will knock him down instead of him knocking me down. we colide. he flies away from where I was standing and it was really funny even though I thought he was hurt I had to throw the ball or run so I ran and my older brother hit me. I thought that hurt. but instead I said " owww" and we a lll laughed and I ended up losing for all that hard work.
Monday, November 17, 2014
published piece
/It was the perfect
summer day my mom was getting remarried to a man named Jason
grills. This was a
small wedding in our backyard where we invited 75 people. As they walked down the isle
me my two brothers Griffin and Owen walked with lily and Eva Jason's girls
behind them.
When we got there we all had a chair in total there where five chairs as I sat down I knew my life would change forever. My mother and Jason where up standing next to the minister or my uncle Paul who had gotten a official minister license and would marry them. He spoke but I could not listen with all the things going threw my head what if Jason is a terrible step dad I started freaking out in my head. Then I heard two of the most dangerous words ever invented " I do" there it was it was over they where married and there was nothing I could do. Then Jason said " I have a gift for you boys" so we walked over and he heald out his hand and in it there where three dog tags on them they had carved family is stronger then anything and had our names. Then i said "wow thank you Jason" my god I thought this might not be so bad after all. Then my mother came up and gave Eva and lily a necklace with two circles bonded together she said " no matter what happens family sticks together".
Then my uncle Paul said” lily had put something together” the tv was pulled outside and lily plugged her phone into it and all the sudden the song home played. For every beat in the song there was a different picture of our family. As we looked in amazement my mom came up to me and said in a voice barely above a whisper " I think you should not worry about this marriage so much”. Our latest vacation came on witch was to the grand canyon came up and some people in the audience almost cried. As the song ended so did the pictures.
our cousin Kelsy came and gave us a portrait of a tree and said place this somewhere and say that during the party please stamp your finger print on a branch then write your name it will be your family tree. Then a food truck rushed in and the reception started. The dj went to the music spot and started playing music and I went to the food truck and smelled fried food and sweet sauces and all different things And I asked for an order of sweeties and frickles sweeties where waffle fries and maple surup poured on then fried. Frickles where three breaded pickles that where put in the deep fryer as I tasted the frickle and felt like I was in heaven. Then I went on to the dance floor with my Eva and owen and turn down for what was playing and whenever it went TURN DOWN FOR WHAT we went crazy. Then my brother handed me a can of pop that said faygo rock and rye I drank it and I got addicted. “ It was an amazing wedding” I told my mom I thought she did a great job
I went inside and a lot of the kids where downstairs playing games and so I thought I would play to we played super smash bros on the wii and knee football where we would play football on our knees with a short field it was a ruff game. The kids that where downstairs where my two brothers and all the ungers witch where 3 kids lily allie and Richie. The mcbrides where here and they where two kids maddie and will. We also played hocky and had ministicks and we would take our nice cluoths off and be able to check each other. We where playing and everything stoped I shot the ball went into thebottom right corner I was so happy. Yes I thought
Finally when it was 9:30 everybody left and as they left I said” thank you” . I thought this family might just work and this was the most amazing moment of my entire life. As I found a sheet of paper it said blended and I Read it it said the secret to a blended family is there is no secret it is ragged and perfect I thought in my head and remembered wait did I read this peom and remembered I did at the ceremony it is funny that important things can just drift away.
When we got there we all had a chair in total there where five chairs as I sat down I knew my life would change forever. My mother and Jason where up standing next to the minister or my uncle Paul who had gotten a official minister license and would marry them. He spoke but I could not listen with all the things going threw my head what if Jason is a terrible step dad I started freaking out in my head. Then I heard two of the most dangerous words ever invented " I do" there it was it was over they where married and there was nothing I could do. Then Jason said " I have a gift for you boys" so we walked over and he heald out his hand and in it there where three dog tags on them they had carved family is stronger then anything and had our names. Then i said "wow thank you Jason" my god I thought this might not be so bad after all. Then my mother came up and gave Eva and lily a necklace with two circles bonded together she said " no matter what happens family sticks together".
Then my uncle Paul said” lily had put something together” the tv was pulled outside and lily plugged her phone into it and all the sudden the song home played. For every beat in the song there was a different picture of our family. As we looked in amazement my mom came up to me and said in a voice barely above a whisper " I think you should not worry about this marriage so much”. Our latest vacation came on witch was to the grand canyon came up and some people in the audience almost cried. As the song ended so did the pictures.
our cousin Kelsy came and gave us a portrait of a tree and said place this somewhere and say that during the party please stamp your finger print on a branch then write your name it will be your family tree. Then a food truck rushed in and the reception started. The dj went to the music spot and started playing music and I went to the food truck and smelled fried food and sweet sauces and all different things And I asked for an order of sweeties and frickles sweeties where waffle fries and maple surup poured on then fried. Frickles where three breaded pickles that where put in the deep fryer as I tasted the frickle and felt like I was in heaven. Then I went on to the dance floor with my Eva and owen and turn down for what was playing and whenever it went TURN DOWN FOR WHAT we went crazy. Then my brother handed me a can of pop that said faygo rock and rye I drank it and I got addicted. “ It was an amazing wedding” I told my mom I thought she did a great job
I went inside and a lot of the kids where downstairs playing games and so I thought I would play to we played super smash bros on the wii and knee football where we would play football on our knees with a short field it was a ruff game. The kids that where downstairs where my two brothers and all the ungers witch where 3 kids lily allie and Richie. The mcbrides where here and they where two kids maddie and will. We also played hocky and had ministicks and we would take our nice cluoths off and be able to check each other. We where playing and everything stoped I shot the ball went into thebottom right corner I was so happy. Yes I thought
Finally when it was 9:30 everybody left and as they left I said” thank you” . I thought this family might just work and this was the most amazing moment of my entire life. As I found a sheet of paper it said blended and I Read it it said the secret to a blended family is there is no secret it is ragged and perfect I thought in my head and remembered wait did I read this peom and remembered I did at the ceremony it is funny that important things can just drift away.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
water pong throw up
we where playing beer pong with water instead of beer it was me and my brother owen vs eva and my brother griffin. Owen said "yeah I made one he had made his first shot I had made three." you have to drink the water and it taste bad" owen said like it was a horrible story you know that voice when you try to scare someone. Griffin picked up the glass and started drinking and when he was done he said " it is not that ba…… choohgbgfhfb" he was choking and spit the water out that was crazy and I witnessed it.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
pencil killer
"OOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW! I said in a soft scream I had been staged with a pencil as I held my hand in pain I fell to the floor. I knew I could not scream as loud as I could in class. Then i relized the pencil was still in my hand. I thought if I yanked it out it would splinter but it was a better choice then leave it. 3 2 1 pull. It shoot out and I looked at my hand bleeding and was cut deep there was lead marks that block me from seeing the damage I went up to the teacher and asked may I leave and showed him my hand. Before I left i took the cursed pencil and broke it into fourths and threw it in the trash bye forever.
the wedding
/It was the perfect
summer day my mom was getting remarried to a man named Jason
grills. This was a
small wedding in our backyard where we invited 75 people. As they walked down the isle
me my two brothers Griffin and Owen walked with lily and Eva Jason's girls
behind them.
When we got there we all had a chair in total there where five chairs as I sat down I knew my life would change forever. My mother and Jason where up standing next to the minister or my uncle Paul who had gotten a official minister license and would marry them. He spoke but I could not listen with all the things going threw my head what if Jason is a terrible step dad I started freaking out in my head. Then I heard two of the most dangerous words ever invented " I do" there it was it was over they where married and there was nothing I could do. Then Jason said " I have a gift for you boys" so we walked over and he heald out his hand and in it there where three dog tags on them they had carved family is stronger then anything and had our names. Then i said "wow thank you Jason" my god I thought this might not be so bad after all. Then my mother came up and gave Eva and lily a necklace with two circles bonded together she said " no matter what happens family sticks together".
Then my uncle Paul said” lily had put something together” the tv was pulled outside and lily plugged her phone into it and all the sudden the song home played. For every beat in the song there was a different picture of our family. As we looked in amazement my mom came up to me and said in a voice barely above a whisper " I think you should not worry about this marriage so much”. Our latest vacation came on witch was to the grand canyon came up and some people in the audience almost cried. As the song ended so did the pictures.
our cousin Kelsy came and gave us a portrait of a tree and said place this somewhere and say that during the party please stamp your finger print on a branch then write your name it will be your family tree. Then a food truck rushed in and the reception started. The dj went to the music spot and started playing music and I went to the food truck and smelled fried food and sweet sauces and all different things And I asked for an order of sweeties and frickles sweeties where waffle fries and maple surup poured on then fried. Frickles where three breaded pickles that where put in the deep fryer as I tasted the frickle and felt like I was in heaven. Then I went on to the dance floor with my Eva and owen and turn down for what was playing and whenever it went TURN DOWN FOR WHAT we went crazy. Then my brother handed me a can of pop that said faygo rock and rye I drank it and I got addicted. “ It was an amazing wedding” I told my mom I thought she did a great job
I went inside and a lot of the kids where downstairs playing games and so I thought I would play to we played super smash bros on the wii and knee football where we would play football on our knees with a short field it was a ruff game. The kids that where downstairs where my two brothers and all the ungers witch where 3 kids lily allie and Richie. The mcbrides where here and they where two kids maddie and will. We also played hocky and had ministicks and we would take our nice cluoths off and be able to check each other. We where playing and everything stoped I shot the ball went into thebottom right corner I was so happy. Yes I thought
Finally when it was 9:30 everybody left and as they left I said” thank you” . I thought this family might just work and this was the most amazing moment of my entire life. As I found a sheet of paper it said blended and I Read it it said the secret to a blended family is there is no secret it is ragged and perfect I thought in my head and remembered wait did I read this peom and remembered I did at the ceremony it is funny that important things can just drift away.
When we got there we all had a chair in total there where five chairs as I sat down I knew my life would change forever. My mother and Jason where up standing next to the minister or my uncle Paul who had gotten a official minister license and would marry them. He spoke but I could not listen with all the things going threw my head what if Jason is a terrible step dad I started freaking out in my head. Then I heard two of the most dangerous words ever invented " I do" there it was it was over they where married and there was nothing I could do. Then Jason said " I have a gift for you boys" so we walked over and he heald out his hand and in it there where three dog tags on them they had carved family is stronger then anything and had our names. Then i said "wow thank you Jason" my god I thought this might not be so bad after all. Then my mother came up and gave Eva and lily a necklace with two circles bonded together she said " no matter what happens family sticks together".
Then my uncle Paul said” lily had put something together” the tv was pulled outside and lily plugged her phone into it and all the sudden the song home played. For every beat in the song there was a different picture of our family. As we looked in amazement my mom came up to me and said in a voice barely above a whisper " I think you should not worry about this marriage so much”. Our latest vacation came on witch was to the grand canyon came up and some people in the audience almost cried. As the song ended so did the pictures.
our cousin Kelsy came and gave us a portrait of a tree and said place this somewhere and say that during the party please stamp your finger print on a branch then write your name it will be your family tree. Then a food truck rushed in and the reception started. The dj went to the music spot and started playing music and I went to the food truck and smelled fried food and sweet sauces and all different things And I asked for an order of sweeties and frickles sweeties where waffle fries and maple surup poured on then fried. Frickles where three breaded pickles that where put in the deep fryer as I tasted the frickle and felt like I was in heaven. Then I went on to the dance floor with my Eva and owen and turn down for what was playing and whenever it went TURN DOWN FOR WHAT we went crazy. Then my brother handed me a can of pop that said faygo rock and rye I drank it and I got addicted. “ It was an amazing wedding” I told my mom I thought she did a great job
I went inside and a lot of the kids where downstairs playing games and so I thought I would play to we played super smash bros on the wii and knee football where we would play football on our knees with a short field it was a ruff game. The kids that where downstairs where my two brothers and all the ungers witch where 3 kids lily allie and Richie. The mcbrides where here and they where two kids maddie and will. We also played hocky and had ministicks and we would take our nice cluoths off and be able to check each other. We where playing and everything stoped I shot the ball went into thebottom right corner I was so happy. Yes I thought
Finally when it was 9:30 everybody left and as they left I said” thank you” . I thought this family might just work and this was the most amazing moment of my entire life. As I found a sheet of paper it said blended and I Read it it said the secret to a blended family is there is no secret it is ragged and perfect I thought in my head and remembered wait did I read this peom and remembered I did at the ceremony it is funny that important things can just drift away.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
pumped for third quarter
When the third qauter begins I will be able to quit band witch means no more bad grades. I am just really exited because I will get a choice between art and thinkering. What would happen if I had a perfect 4.0 for the third quarter because of no band. The trombone is fun but it is now just getting boring it will feel like an evil spirit has been lifted from me. I can not wait for the third quarter

Monday, November 10, 2014
the wedding
It was the perfect summer day my mom was getting remarried to a man named Jason grills. This was a small wedding in our backyard where we invited 75 people. As they walked down the isle me my two brothers Griffin and Owen walked with lily and Eva Jason's girls behind them.
When we got there we all had a chair in total there where five chairs as I sat down I knew my life would change forever. My mother and Jason where up standing next to the minister or my uncle Paul who had gotten a official minister license and would marry them. He spoke but I could not listen with all the things going threw my head what if Jason is a terrible step dad I started freaking out in my head. Then I heard two of the most dangerous words ever invented " I do" there it was it was over they where married and there was nothing I could do. Then Jason said " I have a gift for you boys" so we walked over and he heald out his hand and in it there where three dog tags on them they had carved family is stronger then anything and had our names. Then i said "wow thank you Jason" my god I thought this might not be so bad after all. Then my mother came up and gave Eva and lily a necklace with two circles bonded together she said " no matter what happens family sticks together".
Then my uncle Paul said” lily had put something together” the tv was pulled outside and lily plugged her phone into it and all the sudden the song home played. For every beat in the song there was a different picture of our family. As we looked in amazement my mom came up to me and said in a voice barely above a whisper " I think you should not worry about this marriage so much”. Our latest vacation came on witch was to the grand canyon came up and some people in the audience almost cried. As the song ended so did the pictures.
our cousin Kelsy came and gave us a portrait of a tree and said place this somewhere and say that during the party please stamp your finger print on a branch then write your name it will be your family tree. Then a food truck rushed in and the reception started. The dj went to the music spot and started playing music and I went to the food truck and smelled fried food and sweet sauces and all different things And I asked for an order of sweeties and frickles sweeties where waffle fries and maple surup poured on then fried. Frickles where three breaded pickles that where put in the deep fryer as I tasted the frickle and felt like I was in heaven. Then I went on to the dance floor with my Eva and owen and turn down for what was playing and whenever it went TURN DOWN FOR WHAT we went crazy. Then my brother handed me a can of pop that said faygo rock and rye I drank it and I got addicted. “ It was an amazing wedding” I told my mom I thought she did a great job
I went inside and a lot of the kids where downstairs playing games and so I thought I would play to we played super smash bros on the wii and knee football where we would play football on our knees with a short field it was a ruff game. The kids that where downstairs where my two brothers and all the Ungers witch where 3 kids lily Allie and Richie. Also the mcbrides where here there kids where Will and Maddie.
Finally when it was 9:30 everybody left and as they left I said” thank you” . I thought this family might just work and this was the most amazing moment of my entire life. My mom told me to look outside and see if anyone left anything As I found a sheet of paper it said blended and yelled to my mom “somebody left a sheet of paper” I know she heard me but did not want to say anything. and I read it it said the secret to a blended family is there is no secret it is ragged and perfect.
Friday, November 7, 2014
old crabby lady
We where at the bhp and we thought about going swimming and so we went in to the room where the hot tub and pool. There was a lades arobic class where they would move around with weights that floated and I thought it was ridiculous. Even though it was ridiculous we respected them and went to the other spot in the pool and so that same lady got out of the water and told somebody to kick us out of the pool. So on that day we figured out that that lady was a crabby old person.
Sunday, November 2, 2014
the trip home
as I move to the back of the bus mr brown asked me why are all these kids going to the bathroom and I told him I had a bloody nose. When I went in the bathroom we hit a huge bump and I flew into the wall it did not hurt that bad but it hurt I grabed some sheets of paper to wipe my nose. then I went to my seat and tried to lay down and the bus shook and I kept trying to get comfortable. Sense i could not sleep I grabbed my iPad mini and played a game called fifa fourteen. As i was playing i realized it had been an hour and I †bought i would keep playing even though it was 9:30 and as I looked down I got a little woozy and fell asleep...
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
the wedding
It was the perfect summer day my mom was getting remarried to a man
named Jason grills. This was a small wedding in our backyard where we
invited 75 people. As they walked down the isle me my two brothers
Griffin and Owen walked with lily and Eva Jason's girls behind them.
When we got there we all had a chair in total there where five chairs as I sat down I knew my life would change forever. My mother and Jason where up standing next to the minister or my uncle Paul who had gotten a official minister license and would marry them. He spoke but I could not listen with all the things going threw my head what if Jason is a terrible step dad I started freaking out in my head. Then I heard two of the most dangerous words ever invented " I do" there it was it was over they where married and there was nothing I could do. Then Jason said " I have a gift for you boys" so we walked over and he heald out his hand and in it there where three dog tags on them they had carved family is stronger then anything and had our names. Then i said "wow thank you Jason" my god I thought this might not be so bad after all. Then my mother came up and gave Eva and lily a necklace with two circles bonded together she said " no matter what happens family sticks together".
Then my uncle Paul said lily had put something together the tv was pulled outside and lily plugged her phone into it and all the sudden the song home played. For every beat in the song there was a different picture of our family. As we looked in amazement my mom came up to me and said in a voice barely above a whisper " I think you should not worry about this marriage so much. Our latest vacation came on witch was to the grand canyon came up and some people in the audience almost cried. As the song ended so did the pictures.
our cousin Kelsy came and gave us a portrait of a tree and said place this somewhere and say that during the party please stamp your finger print on a branch then write your name it will be your family tree. Then a food truck pulled in and the reception started. The dj went to the music spot and started playing music and I went to the food truck and smelled fried food and sweet sauces and all different things And I asked for an order of sweeties and frickles sweeties where waffle fries and maple surup poured on then fried. Frickles where three breaded pickles that where put in the deep fryer as I tasted the frickle and felt like I was in heaven. Then I went on to the dance floor with my Eva and owen and turn down for what was playing and whenever it went TURN DOWN FOR WHAT we went crazy. Then my brother handed me a can of pop that said faygo rock and rye I drank it and I got addicted.
When we got there we all had a chair in total there where five chairs as I sat down I knew my life would change forever. My mother and Jason where up standing next to the minister or my uncle Paul who had gotten a official minister license and would marry them. He spoke but I could not listen with all the things going threw my head what if Jason is a terrible step dad I started freaking out in my head. Then I heard two of the most dangerous words ever invented " I do" there it was it was over they where married and there was nothing I could do. Then Jason said " I have a gift for you boys" so we walked over and he heald out his hand and in it there where three dog tags on them they had carved family is stronger then anything and had our names. Then i said "wow thank you Jason" my god I thought this might not be so bad after all. Then my mother came up and gave Eva and lily a necklace with two circles bonded together she said " no matter what happens family sticks together".
Then my uncle Paul said lily had put something together the tv was pulled outside and lily plugged her phone into it and all the sudden the song home played. For every beat in the song there was a different picture of our family. As we looked in amazement my mom came up to me and said in a voice barely above a whisper " I think you should not worry about this marriage so much. Our latest vacation came on witch was to the grand canyon came up and some people in the audience almost cried. As the song ended so did the pictures.
our cousin Kelsy came and gave us a portrait of a tree and said place this somewhere and say that during the party please stamp your finger print on a branch then write your name it will be your family tree. Then a food truck pulled in and the reception started. The dj went to the music spot and started playing music and I went to the food truck and smelled fried food and sweet sauces and all different things And I asked for an order of sweeties and frickles sweeties where waffle fries and maple surup poured on then fried. Frickles where three breaded pickles that where put in the deep fryer as I tasted the frickle and felt like I was in heaven. Then I went on to the dance floor with my Eva and owen and turn down for what was playing and whenever it went TURN DOWN FOR WHAT we went crazy. Then my brother handed me a can of pop that said faygo rock and rye I drank it and I got addicted.
Monday, October 27, 2014
today we had a meeting on a project called project cope and we meet and practiced our parts I did a part on the can drives and it went like this. Recycleing and can drives where a big part of the project one of our biggest can drives we encouraged students to recycle there cans by giving them a goal of 1000 dollars and if they reach or ecseed there goal our principles will dress up in animal costumes we made 15hundred dollars and made even more by letting the students got for a dollar on what they want the costumes to be.
Friday, October 24, 2014
the wedding (250)
It was the perfect summer day my mom was getting remarried to a man named Jason grills. This was a small wedding in our backyard where we invited 75 people. As they walked down the isle me my two brothers Griffin and Owen walked with lily and Eva Jason's girls behind them.
When we got there we all had a chair in total there where five chairs as I sat down I knew my life would change forever. My mother and Jason where up standing next to the minister or my uncle Paul who had gotten a official minister license and would marry them. He spoke but I could not listen with all the things going threw my head what if Jason is a terrible step dad I started freaking out in my head. Then I heard two of the most dangerous words ever invented " I do" there it was it was over they where married and there was nothing I could do. Then Jason said " I have a gift for you boys" so we walked over and he heald out his hand and in it there where three dog tags on them they had carved family is stronger then anything and had our names. Then i said "wow thank you Jason" my god I thought this might not be so bad after all. Then my mother came up and gave Eva and lily a necklace with two circles bonded together she said " no matter what happens family sticks together".
Then my uncle Paul said lily had put something together the tv was pulled outside and lily plugged her phone into it and all the sudden the song home played. For every beat in the song there was a different picture of our family. As we looked in amazement my mom came up to me and said in a voice barely above a whisper " I think you should not worry about this marriage so much. Our latest vacation came on witch was to the grand canyon came up and some people in the audience almost cried. As the song ended so did the pictures.
our cousin Kelsy came and gave us a portrait of a tree and said place this somewhere and say that during the party please stamp your finger print on a branch then write your name it will be your family tree. Then a food truck pulled in and the reception started. The dj went to the music spot and started playing music and I went to the food truck and smelled fried food and sweet sauces and all different things And I asked for an order of sweeties and frickles sweeties where waffle fries and maple surup poured on then fried. Frickles where three breaded pickles that where put in the deep fryer as I tasted the frickle and felt like I was in heaven. Then I went on to the dance floor with my Eva and owen and turn down for what was playing and whenever it went TURN DOWN FOR WHAT we went crazy. Then my brother handed me a can of pop that said faygo rock and rye I drank it and I got addicted.
When we got there we all had a chair in total there where five chairs as I sat down I knew my life would change forever. My mother and Jason where up standing next to the minister or my uncle Paul who had gotten a official minister license and would marry them. He spoke but I could not listen with all the things going threw my head what if Jason is a terrible step dad I started freaking out in my head. Then I heard two of the most dangerous words ever invented " I do" there it was it was over they where married and there was nothing I could do. Then Jason said " I have a gift for you boys" so we walked over and he heald out his hand and in it there where three dog tags on them they had carved family is stronger then anything and had our names. Then i said "wow thank you Jason" my god I thought this might not be so bad after all. Then my mother came up and gave Eva and lily a necklace with two circles bonded together she said " no matter what happens family sticks together".
Then my uncle Paul said lily had put something together the tv was pulled outside and lily plugged her phone into it and all the sudden the song home played. For every beat in the song there was a different picture of our family. As we looked in amazement my mom came up to me and said in a voice barely above a whisper " I think you should not worry about this marriage so much. Our latest vacation came on witch was to the grand canyon came up and some people in the audience almost cried. As the song ended so did the pictures.
our cousin Kelsy came and gave us a portrait of a tree and said place this somewhere and say that during the party please stamp your finger print on a branch then write your name it will be your family tree. Then a food truck pulled in and the reception started. The dj went to the music spot and started playing music and I went to the food truck and smelled fried food and sweet sauces and all different things And I asked for an order of sweeties and frickles sweeties where waffle fries and maple surup poured on then fried. Frickles where three breaded pickles that where put in the deep fryer as I tasted the frickle and felt like I was in heaven. Then I went on to the dance floor with my Eva and owen and turn down for what was playing and whenever it went TURN DOWN FOR WHAT we went crazy. Then my brother handed me a can of pop that said faygo rock and rye I drank it and I got addicted.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
the amazing story of James h tesler
"What happened to you and how did you get these powers "a strange man asked me "I will tell you what happened to me". It was 1940 I was called to duty at the age of 20 I was in germany and had been fighting for one year I was at the battle of crete and all the sudden I heard a crack of power and at that moment my life would change forever. A cannon had shot me directly in the stomach and I looked at my arms there where non but when I look there was no blood and the same exact thing happened to my legs. One of my colegs George gray said "how ya doing" he was crouched down at a barricade and was being shot at. then he looked and saw me sitting there thinking I had been killed...
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
movie set
left Casper Van Dein right Sean Maher |
Monday, October 13, 2014
The house (450)
"mom I am so worried " "what if the exception fails" i say I was at my little brothers soccer cgame it was foggy there was no wind what so ever. I was nervous because my cousins from California where here for an inspection to buy a house in Michigan. I was talking to my mom about what would happen if they did not get the house I was so worried.
They had two kids one of them was named Sophie she was 7 and was kind and loved playing games and had a huge seance of humor. Liem the youngest wast 4 and had the biggest imagination and he always stuck by me. All they ever wanted to do was move here but they did not know about the house. Then I hear "Lukey look geese" so I looked and sure enough there where geese then he said " we have to chase them away before they destroy everyone" he said "ok" I said with a smile on my face. he bullets off when he is close to geese he yells "go away geese!" and they would fly away then he came to me and said we did it.
go back to my mom and she is with Sophia and she has my dog Baily and she tells me time to go.
I wait in excitement and fear to ask my uncle Sean did the inspection pass. But then I remember it is my dads day and so I have to what a day to ask. Every second of every minute was pure torture. And then arrived dinner where all I could talk about if they moved here plus the house was on pleasant road so they would be super close to my house. Then at night I was twisting and turning untill I got to tired and blacked out. I woke up and asked my dad can I go to moms he said "yes" so I grab my bike and open the garage and was of I could not even feel the wind smashing my face All I could do was peedle faster and faster.
When I got there I swung open the door and said "did the inspection pass" .
They had two kids one of them was named Sophie she was 7 and was kind and loved playing games and had a huge seance of humor. Liem the youngest wast 4 and had the biggest imagination and he always stuck by me. All they ever wanted to do was move here but they did not know about the house. Then I hear "Lukey look geese" so I looked and sure enough there where geese then he said " we have to chase them away before they destroy everyone" he said "ok" I said with a smile on my face. he bullets off when he is close to geese he yells "go away geese!" and they would fly away then he came to me and said we did it.
go back to my mom and she is with Sophia and she has my dog Baily and she tells me time to go.
I wait in excitement and fear to ask my uncle Sean did the inspection pass. But then I remember it is my dads day and so I have to what a day to ask. Every second of every minute was pure torture. And then arrived dinner where all I could talk about if they moved here plus the house was on pleasant road so they would be super close to my house. Then at night I was twisting and turning untill I got to tired and blacked out. I woke up and asked my dad can I go to moms he said "yes" so I grab my bike and open the garage and was of I could not even feel the wind smashing my face All I could do was peedle faster and faster.
When I got there I swung open the door and said "did the inspection pass" .
Friday, October 10, 2014
Ther crash (350)
"aaahhhhh" I scream it was my birthday and my friend max was sleeping over and we stole my brothers long board to ride down the hill on my street fairway. I was thinking in my head either my brother or this longboard is going to kill me. For the first few moments of the ride the wind blew against my face and I felt like I was flying but we where picking up speed and that is what got me in a panic.
I thought in my head if I only had not thought of this crazy idea I would not be on this death wish. I do not know what max was thinking maybe He thought this was great or maybe he hated it either way I was scared. Then I say "how are you" "fine" he replies. All of the sudden we see a car a I yell "LEAN!" so we do and we dodge it "thank god" I say.
all the sudden max asked a fatal question how do we stop I tell him we have to crash so I look around and I say "crash into the curb and try to land on the grass. So we lean to the curb and all of the sudden we hit. At that high speed and that force of the turn that made us crash sent us flying. I see max he had hit the grass I however did not get so lucky. I was in the front and my leg hit the curb and my arm hit the side walk. All that this did was give me a few scrapes and bruises but i thought it was worth the memory. When we got home we hid the secret that we took his long board for a joyride witch was hard.
when we got back home my mom asked what we where doing I told her we where just riding bikes.
I thought in my head if I only had not thought of this crazy idea I would not be on this death wish. I do not know what max was thinking maybe He thought this was great or maybe he hated it either way I was scared. Then I say "how are you" "fine" he replies. All of the sudden we see a car a I yell "LEAN!" so we do and we dodge it "thank god" I say.
all the sudden max asked a fatal question how do we stop I tell him we have to crash so I look around and I say "crash into the curb and try to land on the grass. So we lean to the curb and all of the sudden we hit. At that high speed and that force of the turn that made us crash sent us flying. I see max he had hit the grass I however did not get so lucky. I was in the front and my leg hit the curb and my arm hit the side walk. All that this did was give me a few scrapes and bruises but i thought it was worth the memory. When we got home we hid the secret that we took his long board for a joyride witch was hard.
when we got back home my mom asked what we where doing I told her we where just riding bikes.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
The Origanal Pancake House
"the big apple" I say proudly I was at the original pancake house and was ordering one of there specialties. The big apple was a huge amount of dough that had apples stuffed inside and cinnamon and sugar on topped all baked to the liking of the costumer. My dad says "if you order it you have to finish it and if you don't eat it in the morning" so I order. We wait for this monster to cook it felt like forever when I then saw it and I second guessed myself... to be continued
Friday, October 3, 2014
"just let me stay in bed" I say to my mom " it is7:30 you have to get ready for school so I slouch out of bed just to roll down the stairs to eat breakfast and get dressed. I grab a bowl from the cabinet and have some cereal "can't I just stay home mom" I say " then you can not go to Friday night lights" she says. I barley can move my limbs up the stairs it is impossible I just want to flop on. The floor and fall to sleep.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
when me my two brothers and my mom went to kaliharia. me and my older brother griffin went on a slide called the zip coaster he said this will be fun. But all you could here a the beginning was a loud sckreech to show just how fast it was going. the zip coaster is not your average water slide it is half roller coaster. when you are on the are these mats that spin extremely fast making it go faster the top speed was about 40 miles per hour. as we waited I could not hear all the adults say " this is going to be great" what I heard was the screaming and the skreech. Before I knew it we where at the front of the line "griffin" i say " can I go to the back of the coaster not the front he said "yeah" But when I got to the coaster the man said the person who weighs less is in the front my heart sank.
Monday, September 29, 2014
over the weekend my dad said you and youre brothers are to wtaped up in those video games go outside and play. So we did then we came back inside 30 minutes later. My dad said thats it I am kicking you out of the house you cant come back for two hours so we hoped on our bikes and took of we went down lincoln to bates and saw a garage sall so we looked and we looked but did not find anything. So my older brother griffin took us to the coney islaand and we ate some fries then we rode our bikes to a liquir store. and bought some candy this store was near pierce so we went and played at the park.(128)
switching houses
I hate going over there I say" the grills live there I don't them at all dad" it was a Wednesday morning in the summer time I was at my dads house. We where switching houses i do not like switching houses once I get use to living at one house I am just thrown right into another it is the worst. All this would not happen if my mom would not have gotten remarried. I wish things would go back to the way the used to be. I am fine having divorced parent but what I hate more then anything is switching houses. when I am having a good time at my dads the next day I have to go to my moms house where the grills live. The grills are my step family.(121)
Monday, June 16, 2014
Today I was forced to go to my brothers tutor. I was extremely mad about this I did not sit in a random office waiting for thirty minutes. But my nanny forced me to go I walked to the door angrily and had to go so now in am just waiting.
Friday, June 6, 2014
baily is back
my dog bailey was recently at the er emergency room she accidentally ate pills from my moms work bag. the day i found out I was horrified and thought bailey might die. I wanted to go and see her but I had a lacrosse game that we won but the whole time I could not stop thinking about her. When I got in the car I immediately asked about bailey mom said she needed to stay one more night. That night I could not sleep thinking Bailey was on the cold floor. When she came back I was ecstatic I peter her all day long.
Thursday, June 5, 2014
new literary eassy
The story I am telling about is the bfg she does not realize there is so much more to life then we know but would she like to learn that from a GIANT. My claim is that Sophie is clever. Throughout the whole book Sophie manages to both capture the giants and also not being swallowed by a giant.
My first piece of evidence is the bfg is telling Sophie about all the giants. All of the sudden there is an enormous erupt of footsteps the bfg told her to hide and said “it is the blood bottler" so Sophie decided to hide in a snoz cumber witch is what the bfg has to eat. The bfg had no idea Sophie was in there so he tricked the giant to eat a snoz cumber so he would leave because they taste terrible. Sophie was in the blood bottlers mouth and she managed to get out. What I think about this is when it happened I completely thought she would die but I was very surprised.
The second piece of evidence is that the bfg said "you is the most clever people I is knowing" this shows she is clever because even though the bfg did not have a education but he was at least 1,000 years old and he figured out how to catch dreams so he is pretty smart. Coming from him meant a lot to Sophie and it also meant she was smart and clever. What I think about this when sophie came up with the plan I thought she was crazy.
If someone told you that giants where real you would have thought they where crazy. But Sophie managed to get past the guards at the queens palace and get her to believe in giants with her own clever plan this made the queen to call the head of the air force and military to capture the giants. This also brought disappearing of people because of the giants to an end. I thought that Sophie should then be a famous person and get a reward I mean she easily could have been killed by the guards.
these three pieces of evidence prove my claim that Sophie is clever. This story has a lot of near death situations that Sophie found a way to get out of like the time the giants through the bfg around with Sophie in his pocket but these three stood out. Her actions had saved the lives of many kids and adults around the world.
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
summer vacation
this summer I am going to go to my granny and poppas. This year we are going on the fourth of july and are going to see the fire works my dad saw as a kid. I am also going to the beach and swim in lake erie witch will be a lot of fun. One time I remember going to the white turkey a restaurant that makes there own root beer there food and root beer in a combination in one meal is absolutely delicious. In the back of my granny and poppas house is a forrest the we like to explore in this is sometimes amazing one we found a vally and a tree that was almost 140 feet tall. my favorite time this year will be spending time and seeing my granny and poppa.
Monday, June 2, 2014
Home sick
This morning I woke up at 5:30 in the morning and I thought right away I was sick. My mom was down stairs she said you can not go to school today. I sat on the couch and tried to fall to sleep but I could not and I kept on sneezing. Then all of the sudden I through up I hated it I felt so bad. My almost step dad sent me over to my real dads house I toke a shower and have just been resting that is what has been happening.
Sunday, June 1, 2014
today I was at a lax tournament called the lax bash. Me and my friends where just fooling around then I saw a lacrosse head called a rocket pocket. With this type of head it is a lot easier to control the ball. It would also help with aim. I thought it was time to put it to the test so I had my 7th grade brother who plays on bulldogs defend me while I had to try and get past him and score. I did it the first couple of times then he hit my elbow and it was swollen my mom said I had to stop. That was the first day I used my new head.
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
It was time I was at school getting ready for my concert with dark blue cackles and a polo shirt on. We had been preparing for this concert for a month it was a huge concert. I was in five songs and I thought I was really lucky. I was just putting my trombone together when I walk into the gym mrs Alliason said"Luke get a stand from the orchestra room and the message went into the mike so it was very loud. So I headed to the orchestra room and me and Thomas where in there so we got two stands and finally set up. When we played I thought we sounded great and I thought it felt great when people clapped.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
one day I was at my lacrosse game warming up then it started to pour and started to storm the coaches yelled to get inside. Then I went to my bag and started packing up right away the school was a good hundred yards away. I had every thing of exempt my chest and shoulder pads. All of the sudden I turn around lance forgot to put the extra elbow pads I let him barrow I had to rush back and grab it but my coach yelled at me and said "start running" and so I did. It was a storm of people because there was a high school baseball game. Finally when I was inside my brother rushed in and I left and had to wait in the biggest traffic jam.
Monday, May 26, 2014
tether ball terror
one day me and my brothers where at our swim club playing tether ball it was round robin witch means if you win you go on to vs the next person. Griffin was playing at the time and he hit and snap of the tether ball goes. So another girl thought she knew what to do so she climbed up the pole and tried to tie it on but she could not do it. Then griffin thought wraping the ball around would work but he failed. So I knew I was the only one who could climb up the pole and fix it but griffin thought he could so he tried and he fell on the ground. Finally I tied a not while I was at the top of the pole holding on for dear life. So after I got to play the first round.
Friday, May 23, 2014
lax bash
yes I thought in my head as we where driving home I was invited to the lax bash. The lax bash is a huge tournament and this year to go you have to get invited and I was one of the people who did get invited. I remember before I played lacrosse I went to the lax bash and got a shaft. So the lax bash is kind of the place I started to play lacrosse all this time I have been playing bulldogs I have been waiting to go.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
It was the 38th day of Survivor tiagan. Woo had won immunity in the past challenge. He had to choose to take to the finale either jTony or Kass. The two arguments were…Kass was disrespected and she would have a less shot of winning than Tony. Tony's argument was he and Woo had to stay loyal to each other. They were loyal to each other since the first day. At the final tribal council Woo picked Tony to go to the final two with him. The next day the jury asked them questions on why they should win survivor. The jury voted for who should win. The finale occurred in California and read the final votes. Tony won survivor. My opinion on his winning is that even though I liked Woo and thought he would win, Tony played the best game and deserved to win.
Sunday, May 18, 2014
wow I just scored in a lacrosse game we won 3 to 1 I can't believe that I scord it was the most amazing moment of the game in my viewpoint here let me tell you the story. It was the moment of the game I was just standing there on the other side of the field playing left wing. All of the sudden I see a shot jackson our goaly saves it and yells clear witch means now we are trying to get the ball to the attack my position. HE troughs it to James and James runs a good 40 yards before passing it to riley I call for the ball but riley shoots. The goalie blocks it but the ball fell out of the crease and everyone went for it. Then I heard a what the ball had flown over the net me and the goalie race for it. He almost got it but I scoped it up and ran around the goal tried to jump into two defenders and shoot bam I'm hit and down on the ground. When I get up I see the ball in the net and then I relized that I scored. That is the way that I scored against the goalie of groves point.
Friday, May 16, 2014
what to write
I dont know what to write about I am so conffuesed this always makes myy grade go down because I cant figure out what to write. i have asked many people they do not help I tried a website called story starters I just cant seem to find a topic that sticks. please I need some help one of my freinds brenden kept on saying write about this write about that it was terrebly conffusing. So i am just sitting here thinking.
first draft literary esay
The story I am telling about is the bfg she does not realize there is so much more to life then we know but would she like to learn that from a GIANT. My claim is that the bfg is kind
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
New fishy move in
my brother griffin has about 23 fish and 10 of them are big and so the big ones and the little ones live in separate tanks. And at this time I am having renovations and the big fish have to live at the house that is being renovated and the little fish had to change houses. This is about the story of them moving from there standpoint. One afternoon one of 5 fish that where the same type we should name him (george) found the crack in the tank. He told his friend and soon the whole tank knew. they also knew it would take about 7 hours before griffin would get to home to fix this. They where all going crazy they thought we are all going to die 1/5 of the water has gone down…
Friday, May 9, 2014
One day when I was at home I was moving because my house was getting renovated. And so I had to live with the people I will live with till I am eighteen. My step family for tree months only three months I thought then I relized what no I have to live with These people for eight years. Gosh what a fool I am I don't even like these people but my mom just has to get remarried to him ugh. I say in my mind why will this happen to me I wish my mom and dad did not get divorced I wish I could restart my life and change what has happen. How better things would be me my mom and dad and brothers would live together so happily.
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